Thursday 2 September 2010

Murder Misery AKA Mourning Jo

Some might say that Stoopid Studios is a one trick pony, being that most if not all of our films have a supernatural element which involves some/all of us dying.

So, our next feature will be a different bag all together, sure someone will die, but there will be no essence of supernatural entities or bananas from outer space in this venture.

It's working title is "Murder Misery" and it'll involve a few of us improvising a gathering, where we're all playing strange individuals like a door to door salesman who sells doors or an alcoholic Farmer who is convinced his animals are talking to him. Anyhoo, it'll all come to a head when one of us dies.

Then, Alex will be coming to join us in the evening as an investigator, who, as he won't be present during the filming of the murder, will have no idea as to who the real murderer is! Let the hilarity commence!

Anyhoo, hopefully this will be up on our website sooner rather than later, we've still got 2 projects filmed and awaiting the editing, so watch this space or indeed

Stay tuned for more nonsense.

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